Eighth week

 4/12/23: Arrived school at 9 am.Did .y morning duty and signed the attendance.Today I took class for 8A.I conducted a roleplay on the topic 'hardwater and soft water'. It was quite interesting.

5/12/23: Reached the school around 9 am.sigbed the attendance.I went to both my classes.In 9A I revised the topic and in 8A I taught the topic 'components of water'

6/12/23: went to school at 9:00 am.taught the topic 'Heavy water'.

Left the school around 4 pm 

8/12/23: Reached the school around 9 am.Today was our last day at school,I went to both my classes and distributed choclates to them.in the evening we had a meeting with HM.we gave the feedback and they all bid good bye to us.


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